So, what’s in a Phone Number… As a business owner, our livelihood is attached to that 7 to 10 digit string of numbers. We spend oodles of time, effort and money just to have people remember, then contact us. Hopefully this is the start of a business transaction that will lead to the customer getting what they were looking for. Connecting buyers and sellers, that’s the job of our phone number.

What’s in a “Tracking Phone Number”… we know that our phone number is our link to prospective clients or customers, so why would I then use a tracking number? A lot of times Marketing companies offer a “tracking” phone number to prove their return on your investment. Not a bad idea, and if used properly, a method to take advantage of for sure. But are there any bad sides to these tracking phone numbers?  Y E S! We will explain the abuse and the potential continuing ramifications if not controlled by you or your web team.

So, you sign up with a marketing company, this could be any number of media. You’ve allowed them to set up a tracking number to track their product on the web. Everything is seemingly fine until someone asks you if you’ve changed your number. So what’s going on??? (we will continue in the next blog

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